Saturday, October 5, 2024
HomeFitnessBurn, Sculpt, and Slay – Fitness Volt

Burn, Sculpt, and Slay – Fitness Volt

A glance at the cardio section of your gym will tell you that most women join a gym to lose weight. However, only a few ladies achieve their weight loss ambitions before losing motivation and dropping off their fitness regimen. 

Most ladies follow a cookie-cutter workout plan for weight loss, which includes doing 30-40 minutes of cardio and finishing their training session with a couple of ab exercises. Although you must start somewhere, sticking to a vanilla fat-loss workout plan will not get you too far. 

Women generally find it harder than men to lose weight. It is mostly because of years of misinformation and poor training and diet routines. Plus, several dietary and training myths have cropped up over the years, which significantly limit a woman’s physique transformation progress. 

Fat loss can feel like an uphill battle, especially with contradicting fitness advice and generic workout plans that overlook the unique needs of women blasted at you from all angles. 

In this article, we go over everything you need to know to build the figure of your dreams, including the basics of fat loss, the most common problems faced by women, the factors to consider for building a personalized fat loss workout plan and debunking some age-old weight loss myths. We will also go over the two best fat loss workout plans for females, the role of diet and recovery, the importance of tracking your progress, the best supplements to help you achieve your weight loss objective, and the safety precautions you must take. So, without any further ado, let’s get going. 

The Holy Grail of Weight Loss

Weight Loss Concept

Calories in vs. calories out is the holy grail of weight loss. You must enter a calorie deficit to shed the excess body weight, meaning you must burn more calories in a day than you consume. 

You could enter a calorie deficit by burning calories through exercise or lowering your daily caloric intake. Although you could maintain a negative calorie balance just by limiting your food intake or increasing your exercise frequency or intensity, you should ideally maintain a balance of the two. 

Besides entering a calorie deficit through limiting food intake and exercising, you must also make significant lifestyle changes to achieve your dream figure. For example, you should take the stairs instead of the lift, bike to work instead of using your car and cook healthy meals at home instead of eating at your favorite fast food joint. 

Although entering a calorie deficit sounds like something anyone could do at the drop of a hat, it is not that easy. The truth is that most people usually take two to three weeks to settle into their new routine. 

Furthermore, since each person has a different weight loss objective and a starting weight, they must follow a personalized training and diet program for optimal results. You must embrace a long-term lifestyle that supports weight management and promotes overall vitality.

How Much Weight Should You Expect To Lose?

Most people quit their weight loss journey before achieving their objective as they are unsatisfied with their progress. However, this could be prevented if they were taught what to expect. 

Setting big hairy audacious goals might give you an initial kick. It will, however, make you feel overwhelmed soon enough and increase your odds of cutting short your transformation journey due to subpar results.

Your physique transformation goal should be SMART:

  1. S: Specific
  2. M: Measurable
  3. A: Attainable
  4. R: Relevant
  5. T: Time-Bound

For example, “lose 50 pounds” does not meet the ‘SMART’ criteria. Instead, your weight goal could be along the lines of “shed 16 pounds in two months.”

Now, let’s get to how much weight you can expect to lose safely. As per the JAMA, you must burn 3,500 calories weekly to lose a pound of body fat. Breaking this into a daily target gets you to cut 500 calories from your diet. [1]

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), cutting your daily caloric intake by 500-1,000 calories can result in a weekly weight loss of 1-2 pounds. Sticking to this caloric restriction range will keep your physique transformation journey gradual, steady, and sustainable. [2]

You must adjust your caloric intake depending on your experience level to get the best results. Although the CDC green lights cutting 500-1,000 daily calories from your diet, you don’t necessarily have to do it. Beginners should start with a more conservative objective. For example, a newbie should aim to maintain a 200-300 calorie deficit in the initial phase of her weight loss journey until she adjusts to her new lifestyle. Conversely, more experienced individuals can flirt with the 1,000-calorie shortfall. 

Reasons Fat Loss Can Be Difficult For Women

Most of the literature on the internet about weight loss is geared towards men. This, however, can be a bottleneck for women trying to get rid of the spare tire. It’s no secret that men and women are built differently. What works for men for weight loss might not necessarily work for the ladies. Here are a few factors that can make fat loss more difficult for women:

Hormonal Fluctuations

Girls experience monthly hormonal fluctuations because of the menstrual cycle. Furthermore, there are major hormonal shifts during pregnancy and menopause. Hormonal changes can impact your metabolism, appetite, energy levels, and fat storage patterns, making fat loss more challenging. 

Some ladies might also fall off track during menstruation, which is perfectly fine. Although losing weight requires strict adherence to your diet and training, you must listen to your body and step off the gas when necessary. 

Furthermore, you must not feel guilty for missing a training session or eating your favorite pizza during your menstrual cycle. Negative feelings and emotions can make you feel overwhelmed, which is never good for a physique transformation. 

Woman Recovering In GymWoman Recovering In Gym

Higher Body Fat Percentage

Women usually have a higher body fat percentage than men. It is primarily because of the differences in the hormonal structure. The ladies store more fat in their hips, thighs, and breasts, which can be more resistant to fat loss.

Until you are a professional bodybuilder, you shouldn’t be too fixated on your body fat percentage. Instead, you should aim to achieve a healthy body fat percentage according to your height, weight, and age. 

Not sure what your ideal body fat percentage should be? Use our convenient online body fat percentage calculator to find out.

Lower Lean Muscle Tissue

Men generally have more lean muscle tissue mass than the ladies. For the uninitiated, muscle tissue is metabolically more active than fat tissue, meaning it burns more calories than fat. According to research, 1 pound of muscle burns seven to 10 calories daily, whereas 1 pound of fat burns only 2 to 3 calories. Since a pound of muscle burns at least two times more calories than the same amount of fat, men are at an advantage since they burn more calories throughout the day, even at rest. [3]

Furthermore, this also results in a slower metabolic rate in women. Hence, the ladies must work harder and smarter to make up the difference through exercise and a well-balanced diet.

Work and Family Responsibilities Hinder Exercise Regimens

Besides equal responsibility and workload in the office, women generally play a more prominent role in the household. Managing their professional and family obligations can leave no time to work out for most women.  

If you are too busy to hit the gym, you must find an effective home workout program to help you shed the extra kilos. Adding more deliberate activity throughout the day is an excellent way to burn extra calories. 

Check Out: At-Home Workouts And Exercises

Too Many Myths

“Don’t lift,” “Don’t eat too much protein,” and “Avoid supplements” are a few of the bad advice that is consistently thrown at women. Notably, most of this ill advice comes from insecure men that do not want women to outlift them or broscientists that cannot back themselves with scientific evidence. 

Whenever someone tells you something that doesn’t sound correct, it probably isn’t. Also, you should develop the habit of crosschecking everything someone tells you about health and fitness. It will save you a lot of trouble in the long term.

Yoga StretchingYoga Stretching

Emotional Eating

Emotional triggers such as stress, sadness, or anxiety are often associated with binge eating. Many women turn to junk food as a coping mechanism, seeking comfort and relief. However, this can put their weight loss progress on a downward trajectory. 

Emotional eating can build a negative relationship with food, leading to eating disorders and other chronic health conditions. Furthermore, binge eating often results in a caloric surplus that can sabotage weight loss goals. 

You must follow a nutrient-dense, balanced whole-food diet to lose excess weight. Getting most of your calories through junk food can lead to macro and micronutrient deficiencies that can hamper your overall health, energy levels, and metabolism and make the weight loss progress more complex. 

It doesn’t end here. Frequent emotional eating can disrupt your natural hunger and fullness cues, and you can expect a disruption in your daily eating pattern. Binge eating can frequently make you feel hungry at odd times throughout the day, increasing your chances of overeating. Snacking late at night causes you to store most of that food in the form of visceral fat. 

Although weight loss might be a little more complex for women than their counterparts, it isn’t impossible. The ladies might have to work a little harder than their male counterparts to achieve the same results. 

Problems With Fat Loss Workout Plans For Females

Knowing the most common weight loss workout problems for women will help you avoid these pitfalls and put you on a fast track to achieving your dream figure.

Lack of Personalization 

As mentioned earlier in this article, most ladies make the mistake of following a generic workout program. Ladies that start on the wrong foot will have subpar results and will have to refocus their energies down the line, which will cost them much more time and effort. 

No two people are the same. They will react to different exercises uniquely. Furthermore, a fat loss program might help an individual lose belly fat, but if your primary objective is to fix your bat wings, you will face disappointment in the end. 

You must follow a personalized training program that caters to your unique needs. It should also consider your experience level. Punching above your weight class will limit your performance and significantly increase your risk of injury while training. 

Remember, there is more than one way to skin the cat. Contrary to what most people think, you don’t have to die on the treadmill to lose weight. The main objective is to lose weight by entering a calorie deficit, which can be achieved while engaging in your favorite physical activities like swimming, dancing, biking, or lawn mowing. You do you. 

Check out: Calories Burning Calculators

Too Much Cardio and Avoiding Weight Training

Woman At Gym For Cardio TrainingWoman At Gym For Cardio Training

It is not a coincidence that the cardio section in gyms around the world is flooded by women. It is the result of years of misinformation. Women have been made to believe that lifting weights can make them look manly. However, nothing could be further from the truth.

Women do not produce enough testosterone naturally to build the same muscle mass and definition as their male counterparts. On the flip side, lifting weights can help women build a toned and perfectly carved figure. 

Overemphasizing long-duration steady-state cardio can result in a loss of muscle mass, which can be counterproductive in women, especially those with a normal BMI. Doing too much cardio will make you skinny. However, it is the hourglass figure that most ladies are chasing. 

Overlooking Progressive Overload

Resistance training should be a part of your exercise routine, as building muscle mass can improve your calorie-burning rate. However, sticking to the same training regimen for an extended period can lead to a muscle and strength plateau. 

You must progressively overload your muscles to ensure you make consistent progress. Progressive overload can be achieved by increasing the frequency, volume, intensity, duration, or poundage of your workouts. You could also incorporate advanced training principles like super sets, drop sets, and intraset stretching into your training regime to challenge yourself. 

Using HIIT (high-intensity interval training) workouts is another effective way of moving toward your training objective. Ensure you incorporate suitable progressive overload techniques for fat loss into your training regimen as per your experience level. 

Following a Boring Routine

Getting bored of your exercise regimen is one of the fastest ways of dumping your weight loss goal and the fitness lifestyle and returning to your old ways. You must keep things interesting by adding new variables. 

For example, if you started your fitness routine by running outdoors five days a week, you could switch two of those days into a strength training session. Once you master some of the exercises, add more complex movements like the snatch and clean and jerk into your regimen. 

After you get decent at weight lifting, add a gymnastics day to your workout program. Remember, monogamy is best limited to intimate relationships. Incorporating diverse exercises, training methods, and workout formats into your exercise regime will enhance your skill set without making you feel overwhelmed. Furthermore, you could sign up for competitions like a half marathon in your city to challenge yourself. 

You Must Rest

In contrast to what pop culture has been feeding us, rest is not for the weak. Even the strongest of the strong ensure they get a good night’s sleep each day. Rest is when your body recovers and rebuilds. Get seven to eight hours of sleep each night to give your body enough time to rest and recover. 

Additionally, advanced lifters that follow an intense training regimen should take two to three rest days a week to allow their muscles to recover from the brutality they put them through. So, sit back, grab your protein shake, and relax. You don’t have to kill it every day in the gym to lose weight and achieve your dream figure.

Woman Resting in GymWoman Resting in Gym

Back It Up

No, we aren’t going Prince Royce on you. 

You must back up your workout routine with a solid diet and recovery program. You break down muscle during your workouts. They grow back bigger and stronger outside the gym. Determine your daily caloric objective and use an appropriate macronutrient split to ensure optimal recovery. 

Furthermore, you must keep your stress levels under check as they can wreak havoc on your weight loss journey. Too much stress can increase cortisol production in your body, which can make your body hold onto excess body fat. Addressing lifestyle factors holistically alongside exercise is crucial for comprehensive and sustainable fat loss.

Hire a Trainer and a Nutritionist

Most people try to do everything on their own. Not only does it return poor results, but it also significantly increases their risk of injury. Hiring a trainer will ensure that you are following a personalized training program that caters to your unique needs. A trainer will also teach you the correct exercise form, helping you get the best bang for your buck while reducing the odds of injury. 

Getting your trainer and nutritionist to work together will do wonders for your weight loss journey. It will help you enter a calorie deficit while adhering to your lifestyle, which will help you stick to your fitness routine. Seeking a professional’s help might cost you a little money upfront, but it will pay dividends in the long run. 

Factors To Consider While Designing a Flat Loss Workout Plan For Females

If the process is correct, your chances of success increase by manifold. Here are the factors to keep in mind while creating a fat-loss workout plan for females to increase effectiveness and suitability:

Individual Goals and Fitness Level

We cannot stress this enough. So many ladies leave so much on the table by sticking to a vanilla training program. You must choose a fat loss workout program as per your experience level, current physique, and objectives. 

Furthermore, you must break down your objective into smaller goals. Small wins every week will keep you motivated and moving in the right direction. As you progress through your training program, you will gain experience, skills, strength, and endurance. You must readjust your training program every few weeks to ensure you constantly challenge yourself. 

Tracking your progress will keep you accountable. Maintaining a training and diet journal and taking body measurements and pictures weekly will keep you focused on your transformation journey. Share your training objectives with your friends, family, and trainer for better accountability. Telling your loved ones about your fitness goals will also make you push harder toward your goals. It might also motivate your near and dear ones to join you on your transformation journey.

Woman PosingWoman Posing

Metabolic Rate and Hormonal Influences

Women generally have a lower metabolic rate than men. Hence, a fat loss workout plan for females must include high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workouts and strength training to speed up their metabolism and, ultimately, their fat loss progress.

Women’s training programs should also account for their hormonal fluctuations. You cannot expect a girl to crush a workout on a heavy-flow day. Hormonal changes caused by menstrual cycles, pregnancy, or menopause, can affect performance, energy levels, and recovery.

You should also be open to modifying and adjusting your training program on the fly to account for your menstrual cycles. Although online fitness influencers might tell you to push through the pain and leave it all on the gym floor, it is not always worth it. Listen to your body and retreat when your body is telling you to.

Also, feel free to switch your strength training sessions with lighter physical activity, like going for a 20-30 minute walk during menstruation, if you can handle it.

Training Frequency

Your training frequency will depend on your schedule, availability, and fitness level. Beginners should start their training journey with three to four weekly training sessions. They can up the ante as they gain more experience and do six workouts weekly. 

Interestingly, as a lifter gets more experienced, they usually lower their training frequency as they can get much more work done in a single workout. An advanced lifter can need two to three recovery days to allow their muscles enough time to recover between workouts. 

Also, feel free to cut back on your training frequency if you feel too beat up after a workout. You must be nimble with your training regimen and modify it according to how you feel. However, you must not use this as an excuse to skip workouts. Following a balanced training regime is like walking a tightrope. Do too much too soon, and you risk losing your balance and falling off. Conversely, analysis paralysis leads to no progress. 

Workout Intensity and Volume

You must program your training intensity and volume as per your experience level. Initially, you should focus on compound movements and learn the correct exercise form. 

Feel free to step on the gas and ramp up your workout intensity and volume as you gain more experience. That said, you should aim for consistency and a balance between challenging workouts and adequate recovery for optimal fat loss progress. 

Use HIIT workouts and advanced training principles to spike your training intensity and volume. However, ensure you are not sacrificing your exercise form to do more, as it can increase your risk of injury. 

Remember, you don’t always have to do more to lose weight. Going all out in each workout can lead to overtraining, which can result in a weight loss plateau. Pull back your training intensity and volume if you feel sore and need more time to recover. 

Also, since you must cut your calories to lose weight, you shouldn’t increase your training volume and intensity significantly simultaneously, as it can put your body under major stress. Use linear progression in everything you do in your weight loss journey.

Woman Training With Battle RopesWoman Training With Battle Ropes

Exercise Selection

Each exercise requires a different technique. You must always design your workout program considering the exercises you can do with the perfect form.

If you are a beginner, you should first focus on spending a few weeks learning the correct training technique before starting a workout program. Learning exercise techniques during a workout can hamper your training intensity.

Beginners should always start with compound exercises as they help work multiple muscle groups and can improve your mind-muscle connection and build a solid foundation. Multi-joint lifts are also more effective at burning body fat than single-joint exercises.

Nonetheless, a balanced training regimen should include a balance of compound and isolation exercises for muscular training and an adequate amount of cardiovascular training for optimal weight loss progress. Incorporate steady-state cardio and high-intensity interval training (HIIT) into your training regimen to optimize fat burning.


Progressive overload is the name of the game in any workout program, whether you are trying to build muscle mass and strength or lose body weight. Following the same rep and set scheme or using the same weights for a prolonged period will lead to stagnation.

Sticking to the same routine also leads to boredom. An uninspiring training regimen is one of the most common reasons why most people quit their training regimen before achieving their goals.

Your workout program should include a variety of exercises, training methods, and workout formats to keep things interesting. Aim at using slightly heavier loads or doing more reps, sets, or exercises in each workout to challenge your muscles constantly.

Flexibility, Mobility, and Adaptability

Flexibility and mobility are often overlooked in weight loss and strength training regimens. Working on your mobility can improve your overall functionality and your performance in daily activity. On the flip side, neglecting it can increase the risk of injury.

You could work on your mobility by incorporating static and dynamic mobility exercises in your warm-up and cool-down routines. A 10-minute warm-up can prepare you for your workout and help improve your range of motion, whereas a 10-minute cool-down improves your blood flow and kickstarts your recovery process. Yoga is a great way to work on your flexibility and mobility and reduce your stress levels.

Besides physical flexibility, you should also program flexibility into your training regimen. You should be able to adapt your workout routine according to different settings, such as home workouts, gym sessions, or outdoor activities. Being on the road should never be an excuse to skip a training session.


Recovery isn’t limited to a rest day. It is much more than that. Recovery also involves the rest duration between sets, the days you must wait before training the same muscle group again, nutrition, and supplementation.

You must check all the boxes to make the necessary progress in your fat loss journey. Recovery is crucial for muscle repair, growth, and overall progress. Plus, you must avoid overtraining, as it can lead you to a plateau, increase your risk of injury, and hamper your overall health and well-being. You should consult a healthcare professional if you sense lackluster recovery even after giving your ample time off training.

Debunking Common Myths About Female Fat Loss

Measuring Body FatMeasuring Body Fat

Here are some of the undying myths about female fat loss:

You Can Spot-Reduce Belly Fat

Most people have some trouble areas. Some gain excess fat in their bellies, whereas others gain underarm fat, known as bat wings. While some fitness influencers are big on selling herbal teas, tummy-cut gels, and sauna belts, you must know that spot-reducing fat from a specific body part isn’t possible. 

That said, you can target specific muscle groups to improve their aesthetics. For example, after you have shed the excess belly fat by maintaining a calorie deficit, you can build a carved six-pack by performing your favorite ab exercises. 

Lifting Weights Will Make A Girl Look Manly

Women do not naturally produce enough testosterone to build the same muscle mass as men. On the contrary, lifting weights can help women build toned and shapely figures. Plus, it will make them stronger, which will improve their performance in daily tasks. 

Cardio is the Best Way To Lose Fat For Women

Weight loss ultimately depends on calories in vs. calories out. As they say, you cannot out-train a bad diet. You must maintain a calorie deficit to lose weight. Exercise can help expedite your weight loss progress by helping you burn more calories, but it isn’t necessary. You can also burn the same amount of calories in a strength training workout as cardio. 

Check Out: Calories Burned Weight Lifting & Bodyweight Exercise Calculator

You Must Skip Meals To Lose Body Fat

Many ladies skip meals in hopes of losing weight. Missing meals or severely restricting calories is not a sustainable or healthy approach to fat loss. It can lead you to develop a negative relationship with food, which could result in eating disorders. Contrary to what most people believe, you can maintain a calorie deficit by eating small 4-5 meals spread out evenly throughout the day. Eating small and regular meals will prevent nutrient deficiencies, muscle loss, slowed metabolism, and negative effects on overall well-being that are caused by missing meals. 

Next Read: 26 Exercises For Flabby Arms and Bat Wings (Workouts and Diet Tips Included)

The 2 Best Fat Loss Workout Plans For Females

Given below are two high-intensity workout programs to help you lose weight. The first training routine focuses on strength training exercises, whereas the other mainly includes bodyweight cardio exercises that can be done at your home. 

You could alternate between the two workout regimens every week or stick to one training routine for 12 weeks before moving on to the next. 

HIIT Strength Training Fat Loss Workout Plan For Females

Woman Doing SquatsWoman Doing Squats

Use an appropriate weight for each exercise that allows you to perform the recommended reps with a picture-perfect form. As you gain more experience, you can make these workouts more challenging by using advanced training techniques, such as drop sets and super sets. 

Day 1: Full Body Workout

S. No.  Exercise Set Reps Rest
1 Air Squat 3 15-20 30-sec
2 Barbell Bench Press 3 15-20 30-sec
3 Lat Pulldown 3 15-20 30-sec
4 Dumbbell Shoulder Press 3 15-20 30-sec
5 Biceps Curl 3 15-20 30-sec
6 Crunch 3 15-20 30-sec
7 HIIT Cardio 1 15 minute

Day 2: Upper Body and Core

S. No.  Exercise Set Reps Rest
1 Push-Up With Knee Tuck 3 15-20 30-sec
2 Dumbbell Bench Press 3 15-20 30-sec
3 Lat Pulldown 3 15-20 30-sec
4 Arnold Press 3 15-20 30-sec
5 Dumbbell Biceps Curl 3 15-20 30-sec
6 EZ Skull Crusher 3 15-20 30-sec
7 Plank 3 30-60 secs 30-sec
8 High Knee 3 60 secs 30-sec
9 HIIT Cardio 1 15 minute 30-sec

Day 3: Rest

Day 4: Lower Body and Cardio

S. No.  Exercise Set Reps Rest
1 Barbell Back Squat 3 15-20 30-sec
2 Walking Lunge 3 15-20 30-sec
3 Leg Extension 3 15-20 30-sec
4 Leg Curl 3 15-20 30-sec
5 Romanian Deadlift 3 15-20 30-sec
6 HIIT Cardio 1 15 minute

Day 5: Full Body

S. No.  Exercise Set Reps Rest
1 Jump Squat 3 15-20 30-sec
2 Machine Cable Fly 3 15-20 30-sec
3 Seated Cable Row 3 15-20 30-sec
4 Side Lateral Raise 3 15-20 30-sec
5 Dumbbell Hammer Curl 3 15-20 30-sec
6 Cable Rope Crunch 3 15-20 30-sec
7 HIIT Cardio 1 15 minute

Day 6: Cardio

On this day, you must perform two cardio workouts. The first will be a 30-45 minute low-intensity steady state (LISS) workout that must be done first thing in the morning fasted, and the second cardio workout will be a 15-minute HIIT session in the evening. 

  • LISS Cardio: 30-45 minutes (Morning)
  • HIIT Cardio: 15 minutes (Evening)

You can use your favorite cardio equipment for the cardio workouts. We recommend switching your cardio routine weekly to make your workouts more enjoyable. If you hit the treadmill in the first week, consider going for a hike in the second week. 

Day 7: Rest

Feel free to scale these workouts according to your experience levels. Beginners can reduce the number of sets and reps they perform for each exercise, whereas advanced athletes should aim to complete the workout as prescribed. 

HIIT Cardio Fat Loss Workout Plan For Females

Woman Doing BurpeesWoman Doing Burpees

These cardio HIIT workouts require you to push the intensity as hard as possible. Stick to the recommended rep and rest time for optimal results. 

Also, you should not become a couch potato during your rest days on either of these fat-loss workout plans. Go for a 20-30 minute walk, or use your favorite cardio machine. Active recovery days help speed up your recovery process and prepare you for your next workouts. 

Day 1

This HIIT circuit includes seven exercises, and you must complete two rounds. Perform each exercise for 60 seconds. You are allowed a 30-sec rest after completing each movement. Rest for two minutes after completing the first round. You must complete this HIIT cardio circuit within 22 minutes. 

S. No.  Exercise Time Rest
1 Burpee 60-sec 30-sec
2 High Knees 60-sec 30-sec
3 Plank Jack 60-sec 30-sec
4 Air Squat 60-sec 30-sec
5 Mountain Climber 60-sec 30-sec
6 Rope Jump 60-sec 30-sec
7 Push-Up 60-sec 120-sec

Day 2

This is a killer 10-minute HIIT workout for folks on a tight schedule. Go all-out in this workout and leave nothing in the tank. The day two workout involves 60 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest. Put the pedal to the metal in this one!

S. No.  Exercise Time Rest
1 Bear Crawl 60-sec 10-sec
2 Box Jump 60-sec 10-sec
3 Push-Up 60-sec 10-sec
4 Mountain Climber 60-sec 10-sec
5 Jump Squat 60-sec 10-sec
6 Ball Slam 60-sec 10-sec
7 Bicycle Crunch 60-sec

Day 3: Rest

Day 4: Tabata

Tabata consists of eight rounds of 20 seconds of work, followed by 10 seconds of rest, for a total of four minutes. This workout will take you 26 minutes to complete. Remember, Tabata circuits should be an all-out effort. 

S. No.  Exercise Time Rest
1 High Knee 20-sec 10-sec
2 Rest 60 seconds
3 Jumping Lunge 20-sec 10-sec
4 Rest 60 seconds
5 Lying Leg Raise 20-sec 10-sec

Day 5: EMOM

Every minute on the minute (EMOM) is a HIIT workout that will get your heart racing. EMOM workouts involve one-minute exercise sets with built-in rest. You must complete the exercise as quickly as possible without compromising your form and use the remainder of the minute to rest. 

Do two rounds of the following workout:

Minute  Exercise Reps
1 Push-Up 10
2 Squat 10
3 Crunch 15
4 Jumping Jack 20
5 Diamond Push-Up 10
6 Jumping Lunge 16
7 Burpee 10
8 Box Jump 10
9 Lying Leg Raise 20
10 Russian Twist 20

Day 6: AMRAP

As many reps as possible, popularly known as AMRAP, is one of the most brutal forms of HIIT workouts. You are racing against yourself in an AMRAP workout. Push your workout intensity to perform as many reps as possible in a given period. Then, you must try to beat your previous record when you do this workout the next time. 

There is no designated rest time in an AMRAP workout. You do as much work as possible in a single go and then take a breather. Most exercisers limit their rest to the time taken to transition between exercises.

Do as many rounds as possible in 12 minutes:

S. No.  Exercise Reps
1 Burpee 10
2 Jump Squat 15
3 Crunch 20
4 Push-Up 15
5 Hanging Leg Raise 10
6 Jump Rope 10
7 V-Up 10

Day 7: Rest

The Role of Diet

Simply put, there is no way that you can achieve your dream figure without controlling what you put in your body. You must be mindful of your diet and ensure you are maintaining a calorie deficit. 

Role of DietRole of Diet

How to maintain a calorie deficit?

There are two main ways to ensure you are in a calorie deficit. First, you could use an online today daily energy expenditure (TDEE) calculator to estimate how many calories you should consume each day to reach your body transformation goal.  

You could also track your daily calorie intake using a calorie-tracking app like MyFitnessPal. Log your food intake in the app for five days; that will be your average daily calorie intake. As per the CDC guidelines, deduct 500-1,000 calories from your daily intake to shed 1-2 pounds weekly. 

It doesn’t end here. You must divide your new average calorie intake into a suitable macronutrient goal to lose body fat and build muscle mass. 

These are the acceptable macronutrient distribution ranges (AMDR) for weight loss:

  • Carbs: 45–65% of your daily calories 
  • Fats: 20–35% of daily calories
  • Protein: 10–35% of daily calories

Each individual will react uniquely to different macronutrient splits. Try variations of different macronutrient ranges and figure out which one works best for you. 

Furthermore, you should get your calories from nutrient-dense whole foods. You must avoid empty calories like sugar-laden carbonated drinks or alcohol, as they will be stored in your body as visceral fat. 

Tracking and Realigning Your Weight Loss Progress

You must be proactive throughout your weight loss journey to achieve your desired results. Slacking on any front can lead to subpar results. You must track your physique changes weekly from the day you start your transformation journey. Here are some ways to track your progress every week:

  1. Take your body measurements (shoulder width, chest, biceps, thighs, hips, arms, etc.)
  2. Weigh yourself
  3. Check your body fat percentage
  4. Click photos from different angles
  5. Maintain a workout journal where you note down your exercises, reps, sets, and weights used
  6. Maintain a record of your 1RM on different exercises

Keeping track of all these parameters helps you analyze if you are on the correct path. Furthermore, tracking your progress allows you to make quick adjustments when you realize you have drifted off your transformation journey. 

However, you must give the fat loss workout plan for females at least 8-12 weeks to work its magic. Changing your training program too often can lead to ineffectiveness. If you don’t see any favorable changes in this period, you should be quick to make the necessary changes to your workout program. 

How Long Should a Weight Loss Program Last?

A weight loss program involves maintaining a calorie deficit. You should stay in a calorie deficit for 12-16 weeks at a time. This duration should be enough to help you budge the needle in the right direction. 

That said, sticking to a calorie deficit for too long can lead to a plateau. After the 16-week period, you should switch to a maintenance phase and give your body some time off. You can then begin the next phase of your weight loss journey by entering a new calorie deficit. 

Supplements To Help Females With Weight Loss

Whey Protein ShakeWhey Protein Shake

Although supplements are not necessary to lose weight, they can help you fill the voids in your whole food diet and charge you up for your training regimen. Here are the supplements that can help you with your weight loss program:

  1. Whey Protein: Protein supplements improve satiety and help preserve muscle mass. They will keep you from feasting on junk food. 
  2. Caffeine: It is an effective stimulant that increases energy levels and metabolism. Further, it can suppress appetite and help you get the most out of your workouts. 
  3. CLA: It is a type of fatty acid that has been suggested to support fat loss by increasing fat metabolism and reducing fat storage. 
  4. Fiber Supplements: These can help promote feelings of fullness, reduce appetite, and support healthy digestion. 
  5. Fat Burners: These supplements increase your metabolic rate and can help you burn calories throughout the day. 

Safety Precautions and Listening to Your Body

These are a few safety precautions to help you with your weight loss journey:

Listen To Your Body’s Cues and Adjust Your Workout Plan Accordingly

Even after you design a personalized training program, there is no guarantee that you will get the desired results. You will learn a lot about your body after starting your weight loss journey. You must always be on the lookout for signs and signals that can make your transformation journey smooth and seamless. 

Check For Signs of Overtraining or Potential Injuries

Many people push themselves too hard during a weight loss program, which can lead to overtraining. Not making necessary adjustments to your training plan can increase your risk of injuries. 

Consult a Healthcare Professional

Each individual needs personal assessment and guidance before starting a transformation journey to improve their probability of success. A healthcare professional can provide personalized guidance tailored to your unique needs and limitations. They can also evaluate potential risks and help you understand any precautions you must take.


Can women use the same workout plans and exercises as men for weight loss?

Yes. All exercises work the same for all genders. That said, since women have a lower natural metabolic rate than men, they should use a high-intensity workout program to optimize their fat loss. HIIT circuit training works best for women trying to get rid of the spare tire. 

Do I need to take supplements to help with weight loss?

No. You can achieve your dream figure by switching to a healthy and balanced diet and effective training regimen. However, most people cannot meet their daily nutrient goals through whole foods. In this case, supplements can help you fill the voids. 

Can I lose weight without working out?

Absolutely! You can lose weight without starting an exercise program. Entering a caloric deficit should be your primary goal for shedding weight. According to the CDC, you can lose 1-2 pounds weekly by cutting 500-1,000 calories a week. Although not mandatory, working out can help burn more daily calories, which can speed up your weight loss progress. 

Note: The content on Fitness Volt is for informative purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice to diagnose, prevent, or treat health problems. If you’re suffering from a health issue, are pregnant, or are under 18 years old, you should consult your physician before starting any new supplement, nutrition, or fitness routine.0

Wrapping Up

Congratulations on getting this far and taking the first step towards a stronger, healthier, and more confident you. Since you have read this article till the end, rest assured that you are equipped with all the necessary knowledge to transform your figure. 

Use the two high-intensity training regimens explained in this article to kickstart your transformation journey. Remember, a fat loss workout plan for females requires you to embrace a balanced and personalized strength training program, follow a suitable diet and recovery program, stay in tune with your body, and stay consistent and patient. So, what are you waiting for? Lace-up your shoes and get to work. Best of luck!


  1. Wishnofsky M. CALCULATION OF DIETS. JAMA. 1957;163(5):384–385. doi:10.1001/jama.1957.02970400056024
  2. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2021). Losing Weight. Retrieved from
  3. Cava E, Yeat NC, Mittendorfer B. Preserving Healthy Muscle during Weight Loss. Adv Nutr. 2017 May 15;8(3):511-519. doi: 10.3945/an.116.014506. PMID: 28507015; PMCID: PMC5421125.

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