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HomeSportsUnion Native Baseball To Dangle An Alumni/Outdated Timers Recreation | Information, Sports...

Union Native Baseball To Dangle An Alumni/Outdated Timers Recreation | Information, Sports activities, Jobs

MORRISTOWN – Second-year Union Local baseball coach Jim Hess is trying to bring back some former Jets players for an Alumni/Old Timers Game.

“I had been thinking about doing something and members of my coaching staff actually came up with the idea and we ran with it,” Hess said. “My feelings are that if we get the alumni involved, maybe that will help the kids that are here now.

“We’ve had some alumni that could flat-out play the game.”

The one-day event will be held on Sunday, July 23 at the Union Local baseball field on the school campus.

Hess said an intrasquad scrimmage between current team members and some incoming freshmen, probably an hour to an hour-and-15 minutes will get the day started at noon.

At approximately 2 p.m. an Alumni/Old Timers Game will be held.

“It’s just going to be an outing. We’re trying to get guys from the 1950s and 1960s when the school first opened up,” Hess noted. “We’ve already had some guys from the 1960s say they will attend … guys like my dad – Jim Hess Sr. – and my high school coach Bill Lee.

“We’re trying to get guys from each decade from the 1970s and up through guys from last year,” Hess added. “We want to try and make this an annual event for the guys.”

Hess said hamburgers, hot dogs, side dishes and refreshments will be provided.

“We will also have the batting cages open for guys that feel they can’t play, so they can get some swings in,” he continued.

A home run derby is scheduled for around 4.

Hess is no stranger to Union Local athletics, a 1985 graduate, he has been associated with football and basketball programs at his alma mater for a dozen years now. He had helped with the younger kids before that. His sons – Dakota and Logan – played baseball for the Jets.

“I talked with Jordan Barbina the other day on the telephone and you could hear the excitement in his voice,” Hess said of the Jets all-Ohio standout who now resides in North Carolina. “He wants to come back but he’ll have to see what his work schedule is.

“If we can get at least 20 participants, and I don’t think that will be a problem, I’ll be happy for our first year,” Hess noted. “If we could get 40-50 guys back and make a day of it, I think that would be great.”

The event is dependent on the weather.

“Turf is nice, but I’m an old-school guy,” Hess acknowledged. “I like the grass and dirt and always will. To me, that’s real baseball.”

For more information, contact Hess at (304) 218-9536 or email at



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